Got myself a Coyote 4 weeks ago and it has proven itself multiple times the last weeks. The principe of the Coyote is the kind of Social Networking in the car – everytime you see a speed camera on one of the sides of the road you report it using your Coyote button. Then the Coyote transmits this using GPRS and all Coyote owners get the warning if they are on that roade and close (tracked using the GPS built in the device). You get all fixed speedcamera’s (including the type like speed or traffic light and maximum speed), mobile ones but most interesting is that it also tells you how many Coyotes (Scouts) are ahead of you on the same road and how far the first one is away from you. If you know that there are 8 Coyote’s in front of you the drive is very comfortable. A must have for people on the road and my Gadget of the Year so far….