Curious as I am I tested an Android HTC Magic the last few days. Although the device is very user-friendly, fast and has a nice UI, great and filled App Store, cute look and feel but I already bumped into some things making me abandoning the thing as fast as I can. For example:
- Syncing my contacts does not work – I have 1100 contacts and the device gives an “out of memory” error – looks like the old days.
- If you connect it to your Windows 7 PC it completely reboots.
- The notifications UI is a pain – everything happening on the device makes it scream for attention and I cannot figure out how to turn it off.
- Outlook syncing (Contacts, Mail and Calendar only) is very slow and inefficient. Takes ages to sync decently.
- It killed all my appointments today by removing all attendees in the Invited field of my whole Calendar (Thank you Google or HTC) and emptying the notes fields of the same ones. Keeps my assistant busy for a day…..
So overall – it needs to grow and get mature. It’s definetly better than an iPhone but still does not match my HTC Touch Pro 2 experiece (by far not I should say). So I will stay away from it for a while…. Sorry Android….